October is coming, and you’re invited (again!)

Just say it; let it clunk about in the back of your throat: October. It’s the coolest name for a month, and the coolest month by far. The earth itself (the top half, anyway) is literally cooling down, the air getting damp. Spiders are spinning webs, skeleton hands clawing their way through moist earth towards the night. Coffins creaking open, full moons shining, wolves howling. Good times.

Yes, Halloween is coming. Spookiness will soon be afoot. It’s the 4th Annual…



The month of October will once again be a month of Halloweeny fun here on Waltbox. I love a good horror story now and again. Not too often, mind you, because I scare too easily and I’m slow to recover – which may be why the genre doesn’t run too terribly deep in my writerly bones. But by way of celebrating the season I will be trotting out a few pieces from the archives, and a few new ones that are stewing in the cauldron as well. We will revel in the dark, with ghosts and killers and the undead. It will be a hoot.

And you are invited!

To read of course, yes, but also to share, if you’d like. If you sense that someone, or something, is watching you, standing behind you in the dark, reaching out to lay a claw on your shoulder while you fumble for the light, turn it into a Halloweenish piece that’s NO MORE THAN 899 WORDS (trust me, I’ve been doing this a long time — 899 is more than enough, and the fewer the words the more the readers) and post it in the comments below or email it via the contact thingy. If it strikes a chord I will post it as a guest post.

Just one thing to remember: we here at Waltbox (and by we I mean I, you know, the royal we) are not into gore for gore’s sake. A bloodbath is not scary, just unpleasant and tragic, and there’s enough of that in real life. The fun kind of scary is what’s unknown. Unexplained. Supernatural. But of course Halloween doesn’t have to be scarifying either. It can be silly and weird, too. (You’ll see).

Bwa hah har hooooh…owww.  Hurt muhself.

68 thoughts on “October is coming, and you’re invited (again!)

  1. If it’s not supposed to be violent mister than why the blood hand-writing and the shadow of someone holding a snowman’s nose? Or is that a stork? It’s a stork. No, a turkey with the wings cut off by the camera, that’s dark. Those are subway tiles and it reminds me of Blair Witch, thanks for that.


  2. Oh, I remember this from last year, which means fall is here! (Hard to tell when it was 103 in the desert.) Looking forward to your stories. Glad you set some limits for the scaredy-cats amongst us…not that it’s me or anything….🙀


  3. Well…I must say Mr. Walker I am very quite insulted oh not by your words but your lack of words as you describe all the deliciousness of Halloween you left us out

    Who doesn’t like a creepy spider crawling down ones back

    Or the peaceful sound of wolves howling through the dark dreary fog of the night

    You came close and I thought you almost had it when your Full Moon came out to light your path

    But you neglected the most important part of Halloween

    The part that makes Halloween Halloween and without us it would be nothing more than just another night!

    For us everyday is Halloween and by the way we could teach you some very valuable uses for those creaking coffin nails you spoke about

    So what would Halloween be if on that night as the veil between the World’s of the Spirits and the Mortals becomes so very thin that the Spirits come back to earth and join us for a late night supper

    Halloween would not exist without us and you Mr. Walker forgot all about who we are

    We could put a spell on you and at the moment the Council is out taking a vote

    So beware…Mr. Walker for on that night we fly…


  4. Doesn’t the day-to-day grind contain enough terror, enough gore, for any man (or woman)? Why call additional attention to it? I’m surprised the genre even exists. Well, let’s see. I’m typing this from Bryant Park in New York City. I just looked up and a guy has unbuttoned his dress shirt and is wiping his armpits with a napkin. I’m dead serious. Isn’t that scary enough?


  5. Pingback: The Wish | waltbox

  6. Pingback: The Fate of Lambeth Polly | waltbox

  7. Reblogged this on Word Shamble and commented:
    For any of you out there who love to read or write a spooky story, here’s a fun opportunity not to miss. The very talented writer Walt Walker is running his fourth annual ‘Waltoween’ festival. It’s an opportunity for you to stretch your mind towards the eerie, the creepy and downright terrifying. Walt will be sharing selected stories all month, so get your fright pants on!


  8. Pingback: Sweet Murder | Making it write

  9. Pingback: Hallow’s Eve: Party for Two | waltbox

  10. Pingback: More animal | William Pearse | pinklightsabre

  11. Pingback: Ode to Monster Cereal | waltbox

  12. Pingback: Mother of Thousands | waltbox

  13. Pingback: The Picture | waltbox

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