In which I visit The Blog Doctor

A nurse entered the waiting room and called my name. She wasn’t a nurse. “Mr. Walker? The Great Blogger will see you now.” I’d been summoned, but I resisted. It was a passive-aggressive resistance, I guess. I wasn’t going to not rise. But I wasn’t in a hurry to rise, either. “Mr. Walker?” She craned…

In which I rip off more great writing.

In They say this is great writing, I wrote about how I intentionally ripped off the opening of Tom Sawyer several times. A comment on that post by Valerie Moone made me realize that there is another piece of great writing I ripped off unintentionally. Here is my unintentionally ripped-off opening (if you’d like, you can read…

They say this is great writing.

A long time ago, when I first took an interest in the craft of writing, I read that the following lines of fiction were great opening lines. Opening lines to be studied and appreciated. So I took an interest in them. If you are a lover of great opening lines, here are some that are…