I would write more, but…

29 thoughts on “I would write more, but…

    • Hahaha a gothic update on ‘How to Murder Your Wife’. ‘fingernails scratching at the screen’ great line – like the memory of what he’s done and the story are trying to get out of the laptop


  1. Hahaha a gothic update on ‘How to Murder Your Wife’. ‘fingernails scratch against the glass’ I meant (sorry half asleep) great line – like the memory of what he’s done and the story are trying to get out of the laptop

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You capture it well, that feeling you kind of blot out what you originally wanted to say through editing and perhaps over-thinking. “She woke like a writer full of words.” Do you really search for the one, true sentence? In other words, does the first sentence kind of trigger the rest of it all for you? I ask, because I do that. It’s like the first hold climbing up a rock face, even though I’ve never done that. It feels the same. Thanks for your tweet on this, by the way.


    • I do search for the one true first sentence, or at least I used to and am breaking myself of the habit. In fact just tonight I tried something I’ve never done before. After trying (and failing) to write the perfect first paragraph, I cut it out entirely and rewrote it in the middle of the piece. So now my second paragraph is the first and I think it might be working now. Or working better anyway. The first line/paragraph is always the hardest for me. I overthink I that part and I do sometimes end up doing more harm than good. Thanks for reading and kicking around the idea with me. Had my usual early morning wake up with brain racing thing again just now. It’s 4:13am and I’m going to try to go back to sleep. Have a good ‘un.


  3. Oh, you got me again. I started thinking this was a writer’s piece (how I know that feeling of trying to make eveything right from the start, of struggling to write a first draft without fussing over the lines). Then I thought it was romantic, a ghostly hand on the shoulder, a lost love. Then comes the axe … I love ‘Again’ at the end. You have an element of Poe there – a haunting that may never end …
    Very good, Sir.


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