

image: rcoleman / wearejuxt.com

Her thumb caressed the back of my hand. I smiled and squeezed. Her hand was cold. Clammy.

The lenses of my glasses were coated with sea spray. Surf swirled around my ankles, then receded. The beach eroded under my feet as sand was pulled to sea. I touched her cheek and said, “I could never divorce you – “

She blinked. Lowered her gaze. Hooked a strand of hair behind her ear. Wrinkled her brow.

” – without a good reason,” I called as she receded with the water. “I mean, I may never have to – “

She folded her arms, took one step further out to sea.

” – but it’s good to have options.”

I fumbled for her fingertips, scrambling to lock mine with hers.

“But for now -,” the seagulls squawked overhead. My fingers hooked into hers, my shoulder straining from the pull of our arms stretched over the beach.  “For now, I need you.”

This, of course, was only in my head. While the water lapped at my ankles and the seagulls cawed above.

Her thumb caressed the back of my hand. I smiled and squeezed. Her hand was cold. Clammy.

We never say what we mean, I thought.

The lenses of my glasses were coated with sea spray. Surf swirled around my ankles, then receded. The beach eroded under the arches of my feet as the sand was pulled to sea. I touched her cheek and told her I loved her.

She smiled and told me she loved me.

And for a moment, I believed her.

And for a moment, I believed me.

Water lapped at my ankles, then receded. Beach eroded under my feet as sand washed out to sea. My heels sank.


Flash fiction inspired by “Options” from the album Control by Pedro the Lion. Read more here. Listen below.

Featured image and lyrics on wearejuxt.com.

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